Sculptra / Radiesse Collagen Stimulators Benfleet

Sculptra / Radiesse Collagen Stimulators In Benfleet

Radiesse Collagen Stimulators in Benfleet, Essex at Monika Advanced Aesthetics.

Radiesse is a dermal filler that is commonly used for facial rejuvenation and the treatment of wrinkles and folds. The unique properties of Radiesse contribute to natural-looking results. The gradual collagen stimulation, coupled with the immediate volumizing effect, helps create a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance without the overfilled or “plastic” look that can sometimes be associated with dermal fillers.

The primary active ingredient in Radiesse is calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA), which is a biocompatible and non-allergenic substance. Calcium hydroxylapatite is a mineral-like compound that is naturally found in the body, particularly in bones. 


One syringe 1.5ml  £300

Two syringes 3ml (per same treatment) £550

If more sessions booked and paid in advance EACH syringe will cost £250


Please note: An upfront payment is required to qualify for the discounted rate when booking multiple sessions

Hyperdiluted Radiesse is often used for skin rejuvenation in broader areas of the face, neck, and other regions where a more generalized improvement in skin quality is desired. Some common areas where hyperdiluted Radiesse may be applied include:

  1. Full Face Rejuvenation: Hyperdiluted Radiesse can be applied across the entire face to improve skin texture, reduce fine lines, and promote a more youthful appearance. It is a versatile option for individuals seeking an overall facial revitalization.
  2. Neck and Décolletage: The skin on the neck and décolletage is prone to aging and may exhibit signs of sagging or fine lines. Hyperdiluted Radiesse can be used in these areas to enhance skin quality, provide a subtle lift, and address the effects of aging.
  3. Backs of Hands: Hands often show signs of aging, including volume loss and the appearance of veins and tendons. Hyperdiluted Radiesse may be used to improve the overall texture and quality of the skin on the backs of the hands.
  4. Cheeks and Temples: While traditional Radiesse may be used for volumizing specific areas like the cheeks, hyperdiluted Radiesse can be applied more diffusely to enhance skin quality in these regions without necessarily creating significant volume.
  5. Jawline and Lower Face: Hyperdiluted Radiesse can contribute to skin tightening and rejuvenation in the jawline and lower face, addressing mild sagging and fine lines.
  6. Acne Scarring: Some practitioners may explore the use of hyperdiluted Radiesse for improving the appearance of certain types of acne scars. The collagen-stimulating properties of Radiesse can contribute to a smoother skin texture over time.

The choice between Radiesse and other dermal fillers depends on individual preferences, specific aesthetic goals, and the characteristics of the filler.

Here are some reasons why someone might choose Radiesse over other fillers:

  1. Stimulates Collagen Production: Similar to Sculptra, Radiesse stimulates collagen production in the skin. This can lead to prolonged and natural-looking results as the body’s own collagen helps maintain volume.
  2. Long-Lasting Results: Radiesse is known for its longevity, with results often lasting up to a year or more. This may be appealing to individuals who prefer less frequent maintenance treatments.
  3. Volumizing Effect: Radiesse is particularly effective for providing volume and structure to areas of the face that have experienced volume loss, such as the cheeks, nasolabial folds, and jawline.
  4. Calcium-Based Formula: Radiesse is composed of calcium hydroxylapatite microspheres suspended in a gel carrier. The calcium-based formula is biocompatible and provides a supportive structure for the skin.
  5. Immediate Results: Unlike some fillers that work gradually over time, Radiesse often provides immediate results. This can be advantageous for individuals seeking a more instant correction.
  6. Versatility: Radiesse can be used to address multiple facial concerns, including deep wrinkles, lines, and folds. It is also suitable for enhancing facial contours and providing a lifted appearance.
  7. Natural-Looking Results: The calcium-based microspheres in Radiesse create a scaffold that supports the skin, leading to smooth and natural-looking results.
  8. Mixing with Lidocaine: Many Radiesse formulations include lidocaine, a local anesthetic, to enhance patient comfort during the injection process.

While Radiesse has its advantages, it’s important to note that individual preferences, the specific area being treated, and the desired outcome will influence the choice of filler.

Side effects

Common side effects are usually mild and temporary. Here are some potential side effects associated with Radiesse procedures:

  1. Redness and Swelling: It is common to experience mild redness and swelling at the injection sites. This typically resolves within a few days but can persist for up to a week in some cases.
  2. Bruising: Bruising at the injection sites is another common side effect. This can vary in severity but is usually temporary and resolves within a week or two.
  3. Tenderness or Discomfort: Some individuals may experience tenderness or discomfort at the injection sites. This is generally mild and short-lived.
  4. Lumps or Bumps: Occasionally, small lumps or bumps may develop at the injection sites. These are typically temporary and can be massaged by the healthcare provider to even out the filler.
  5. Itching or Skin Sensitivity: Some people may experience itching or heightened sensitivity at or around the treated areas. This is usually temporary and resolves on its own.
  6. Asymmetry or Uneven Results: In some cases, there may be slight asymmetry or unevenness in the results. This can often be addressed with additional adjustments during follow-up appointments.
  7. Allergic Reactions: While rare, allergic reactions to the components of Radiesse can occur. Signs of an allergic reaction may include severe swelling, itching, or difficulty breathing. If these symptoms occur, it’s crucial to seek immediate medical attention.


  1. Avoid Touching or Rubbing: Refrain from touching, rubbing, or massaging the treated areas immediately after the procedure. This helps prevent the inadvertent movement or displacement of the filler.
  2. Ice Packs for Swelling: If there is swelling or bruising at the injection sites, applying ice packs for short intervals (10-15 minutes at a time) during the first 24 hours can help reduce inflammation. Always use a cloth or towel to wrap the ice pack to avoid direct contact with the skin.
  3. Avoid Strenuous Activities: It’s advisable to avoid vigorous exercise, heavy lifting, or other strenuous activities for the first 24 to 48 hours after the procedure. This helps minimize the risk of swelling and bruising.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Maintaining good hydration is important for overall skin health. Drink plenty of water to support the body’s natural healing processes.
  5. Sun Protection: Protect your skin from direct sun exposure. If you need to go outside, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, and wear a wide-brimmed hat or use protective clothing.
  6. Gentle Cleansing: Follow any specific cleansing instructions provided by your healthcare provider. Typically, you can gently cleanse the treated areas with a mild, non-abrasive cleanser.
  7. Avoid Alcohol and Blood-Thinning Medications: For a short period after the procedure, it’s advisable to avoid alcohol and medications that can thin the blood, as they may increase the risk of bruising.
  8. Follow-Up Appointments: Attend any scheduled follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider. This allows them to assess the results, address any concerns, and make any necessary adjustments.
  9. Report Any Unusual Symptoms: If you experience persistent or severe redness, swelling, pain, or any other unusual symptoms, contact your healthcare provider promptly. These could be signs of a potential issue that needs attention.
  10. Patience for Results: Results from Radiesse injections may continue to improve over several weeks as collagen stimulation takes effect. Be patient and allow time for the full effects to become apparent.

Remember that individual aftercare instructions may vary based on the specific technique used and the areas treated. Always follow the guidance provided by us for the best results and to ensure a safe recovery process. If you have any questions or concerns during the aftercare period, do not hesitate to contact us for guidance.

Sculptra In Benfleet

Sculptra, also known as poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA), is a dermal filler used in cosmetic dermatology and aesthetic medicine. Unlike traditional dermal fillers that provide immediate results by adding volume, Sculptra works gradually by stimulating the body’s natural collagen production.

Sculptra is primarily used for treating facial volume loss, particularly in areas where fat and collagen have diminished over time. It is commonly used to address wrinkles, folds, and hollow areas on the face, such as the temples, cheeks, and jawline.

When injected into the skin, Sculptra stimulates the production of collagen, a protein that provides structure and firmness to the skin. Collagen production increases gradually, leading to a more natural-looking and long-lasting improvement in facial volume and skin quality.

While some improvement may be noticeable after the first session, the full results of Sculptra treatments become apparent over several weeks as collagen production increases. The effects can last for up to two years or more, depending on individual factors.


1 vial £350

2 vials £600

4 vials (over 2 sessions) £1000 (when paid upfront)


Please note: An upfront payment is required to qualify for the discounted rate when booking multiple sessions

The choice between Sculptra and other dermal fillers depends on individual goals, preferences, and the specific concerns being addressed. Here are some reasons why someone might choose Sculptra over other fillers:

  1. Collagen Stimulation: Sculptra stands out because it stimulates collagen production in the skin. While traditional fillers like hyaluronic acid provide immediate volume, Sculptra’s gradual approach can result in a more natural-looking enhancement over time.
  2. Long-Lasting Results: Sculptra’s effects can last up to two years or more, making it a favorable option for those seeking a more durable outcome. Other fillers, especially hyaluronic acid fillers, may require more frequent touch-ups.
  3. Subtle and Gradual Results: Sculptra offers a subtle and gradual improvement, which may be preferred by individuals who want a less dramatic change. This can be advantageous for those who want to maintain a natural appearance while addressing signs of aging.
  4. Volume Restoration: Sculptra is particularly effective for addressing significant volume loss in areas such as the cheeks, temples, and jawline. It’s often chosen for overall facial rejuvenation when a more comprehensive volumizing effect is desired.
  5. Tailored Treatment Plan: Sculptra is typically administered in a series of sessions, allowing for a customized treatment plan. This can be advantageous for those who prefer a more phased approach to their aesthetic enhancements.
  6. Minimal Discomfort: Sculptra formulations often include lidocaine, a local anaesthetic, which can enhance patient comfort during the injection process.
  7. Versatility: Sculptra is versatile and can be used in various areas of the face to address different concerns, offering flexibility in treatment options.

However, it’s essential to note that the choice between Sculptra and other fillers is highly individual, and different fillers may be better suited for different purposes. 

Side effects

Common side effects of Sculptra include:

  1. Swelling: Swelling is a common side effect after Sculptra injections, and it typically resolves on its own within a few days. Using cold compresses may help alleviate swelling.
  2. Redness: Some redness at the injection sites is normal and usually resolves within a short period. It’s a common, mild side effect.
  3. Bruising: Bruising may occur at the injection sites, and its severity can vary from person to person. It typically resolves on its own but can be covered with makeup if desired.
  4. Tenderness or Discomfort: Some individuals may experience tenderness or discomfort at the injection sites. This is generally mild and temporary.
  5. Lumps or Nodules: While uncommon, the formation of small lumps or nodules under the skin can occur. Massage of the treated area by both the provider during the procedure and the patient at home is often recommended to reduce the risk of nodules.
  6. Itching: Itching at the injection sites may occur but is usually temporary and not severe.
  7. Skin Discoloration: Some individuals may experience temporary skin discoloration at the injection sites. This typically resolves over time.
  8. Infection: Although rare, there is a risk of infection at the injection sites. It’s crucial to follow post-treatment care instructions provided by your healthcare provider to minimize this risk.

It’s important to note that Sculptra is considered safe when administered by a qualified and experienced healthcare professional.


Proper aftercare is crucial to ensure optimal results and minimize the risk of potential side effects after Sculptra treatment. Here are general guidelines for post-treatment care:

  1. Massage: This helps to distribute the Sculptra evenly and reduces the risk of nodules or lumps forming. Massage the treated area for 5 minutes 5 times a day for 5 days.
  2. Ice Packs: Applying ice packs or cold compresses to the treated areas can help reduce swelling and minimize discomfort. Be sure to use a clean cloth or a barrier to protect your skin and avoid direct contact with the ice.
  3. Avoid Strenuous Activities: Refrain from engaging in strenuous exercise or activities for at least 24 hours after the treatment. Physical exertion can increase blood flow to the treated areas and may exacerbate swelling or bruising.
  4. Avoid Sun Exposure and Heat: Protect the treated areas from direct sunlight and avoid prolonged exposure to heat, such as saunas or hot baths, for a few days after the procedure. Sunscreen should be applied to protect the skin.
  5. Over-the-Counter Pain Relief: If you experience any discomfort, you may take over-the-counter pain relievers as recommended by your healthcare provider. Avoid aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) if possible, as they can increase the risk of bruising.
  6. Avoid Alcohol and Blood Thinners: Avoid alcohol consumption and blood-thinning medications for a few days after the procedure, as they can increase the risk of bruising.
  7. Gentle Skincare: Stick to a gentle skincare routine and avoid harsh or abrasive products for a few days after treatment.